I think his comments a pretty positive:
1) Section 91: extraction and refining should be carried out in Canada, meaning as an example that any chromite mined should be processed to ferro-chrome in Canada and not shipped out as ore; the same for any nickel and copper ore(jobs in Canada)
2) cost of electric power: It is known that Ontario has higher power costs than Quebec and Manitoba, so any energy intensive operation such as ferro-chrome smelting or electrorefining of nickel and copper may take place outside Ontario; although the competition for jobs within the province may affect such a decision.
3) he realises the need for infrastructure which will also be a job creator
4) although environmental issues and provincial political statements to the protection of the North will slow the start, it is not necessary a bad thing in the long run. If we do this, it should be done right. This time also allows NOT to explore and find more nickel ore before being forced to make serious money commitments