Jackwho you write:
"And if you look at the charts, the SP could well go to $1.40 ??????"
Well Jackwho, I think I'll take your previous advice to Lucky28 and hold tightly.
Lucky28, you say:
"....there is more going on behind the scenes than we know"
You are 100% right on this one.
Now, this play in the ROF is an important one and if a major steps in, it is for a total control of what is there. This is possibly why a consolidation is taking place, with all the acompanying questions that comes with the actual moves.
I presume this is just the biginning; prepare for some other similar moves in the near futur. The ROF is the next major mining camp...
You, who have NOT shares should hang on to them titely; take-overs are just beginning in preparation for the big move from the major.