I think that the CLF/FWR takeover will be the model for the ROF as much as can possibly be attained. I don't like it but it strikes me as the precedent by which all low sp penny stocks will be treated. Of course we like to think of the value in the ground and that we will be rewarded for it, but what you think is in the ground and what your management and friends will ultimately negotiate/vote for you may be mutually exclusive. With FWR over .25 and getting a buck, will SPQ do as well? I wonder if we don't have a tired bunch of prospectors in the ROF who would gladly cash out at a lovely premium leaving their loyal shareholders behind.
So many were so sure that FWR would find a white knight. Didn't happen. I think it profoundly unfortunate in many ways that FWR didn't go with NOT. People like the infrastructure aspect with CLFs but with that comes the indication that companies are going to be absorbed for a whole lot less than people ever imagined or hoped for. Will the big companies wake up and decide to compete or will we lose our value to a group of unknowns orchestrating cheap deals. I suspect in this cliimate we live in that the large buck returns on these companies are a thing of the past....unless something very spectacular hits the news...but how much more spectacular does it need to get beyond what we already have? Well here is where the media machine comes into play. I guess we'll see if it works for us or against us. So far it's been keeping things rather quiet until lately....only to speak of problems with First Nations.