Comments such as business as usual; doesn't necessarily say yes or no to whether they are drilling or not. The other piece of evidence is that slide from the last presentation which makes reference to 4 drills turning as we speak.....I wonder when that was written?
Not clearly stated in a news release before Christmas that drilling has stopped and there has been no official news release to state that drills are back turning. The other thing is that Wes, in the BNN interview, indicated that they are in support of the blockade. That could be interpreted to mean that they will cease drilling/not go back to drilling until the outstanding issues are resolved.
Regardless....FNC and BMK aren't drilling either and it doesn't seem to be hurting their stock price. In this market, it seems more like a negative to be spending money, rather than conserving cash. NOT is 3.5 times off their low for all their drilling efforts while BMK and FNC are fairing better having not drilled at all.
One thing is for sure seems difficult to get a straight yes or no answer on certain items.