NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Some observations

Some observations

posted on Jan 29, 2010 10:15PM

I wonder at some of the fear mongering going on this site. Keep it up those of you who are mongering. I thought most of you were long and therefore not upset by the swings in the sp., or does that mean you are trying to scare people out so you can pick up some cheap shares? For some of you, of course it does. Some of you are players so you are concerned about the day to day sp. and perhaps you missed your window. For those of you who are just neurotic and have to spout off, you're not doing anyone any favours. Come back when it's over or you could just go behind a herd of cows and shoot off some guns.

I found it interesting to say nothing of humourous to note the shooting of the protest where close-ups were used to minimize the deflating affect of a handful of people standing in a vast wilderness. I find their timing interesting but I'll leave that up to your interpretation as to it's impact at this time. It would be interesting to see just exactly what is creating the blockade.

I don't contest the need for the FN to be involved from the beginning and to be vocal about their vision of their participation, but other than for issues of environmental contamination of which NOT is not a part, I fail to see why they would expect NOT to stop drilling and I most certainly find it irregular that NOT would volunteer to stop drilling unless it happened to be convenient. I would suspect they probably have quite enough core to keep them busy along with knowing mostly what they need to know about them via the gizmo. Just my opinion of course.

I don't often agree with Suds but I think he's got the game called on the sp movement. Well, it was said that the sp would hit 1.50 and who knows? It's certainly more likely now that people have put it out there. The point is, what has changed, other than peoples perception that because drilling stops for a period of time that the sp should go down? I believe that's called herd mentality at work. What should be considered is what will the current cores turn up in the next report. But that is another issue I guess, when will NOT consider it appropriate to release this information. I just have this feeling that it will be when the sp has gone about as low as some might enjoy and others not. Now I know they say that they release it when they get it, but they also maintain that they release, not a core at a time, but in batches. Makes sense, but now what is a batch and how would they decide to group the cores. Room for some interpretation here I would expect. All of the above is just my opinion and theory. Lots of words on these sites. Most of them are camouflage and decoys around the truth, highly opinionated, some informed, many not... with posters to match. Be careful what you decide to believe in and who you decide to believe in.

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