NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Mining Giants are fully awake now

Mining Giants are fully awake now

posted on Jan 31, 2010 08:28PM

From : The Big Score

"While the mining giants were awakened to the potential of (Voisey's Bay), things started to come apart on the fron line. The first sign of trouble in (Labrador) came on (Feb.2,) at the end of a long day for (Diamond Fields) director (Richard Garnett, the company's newly hired Newfoundland public relatioins adviser, Rick Gill , and prospectors Albert Chislett and Chris Verbiski.

.....three days later a two page letter from Daniel Ashini and Davis Inlet Chief Simeon Tshakepesh rolled out of Richard Garnett's house fax machine in Oakville, Ontario.

'Diamond Fields has done nothing to inspire our confidence and much to earn our antipathy and mistrust. We will do everything in our power to ensure that the exploration activities on our land are stopped until such time as there is a clear demonstration of your respect for our land and our rights.'"

The purchase of FWR by a mining Major Cliffs has certainly awakened all the giants.

There is no denying now that this area will be mined. Infrastructure money will be spent.

The smell of money is ripe in the air. Suddenly, there is a blockade. The timing is so coincidental.

We get notification of Jan. 29 and for Diamond Fields Feb.2. (4 days apart).

With Valentine's Day a couple of weeks away what better way is there to show your love. An arrow through the heart.

In the case of Diamond Field's the drop in price in Feb was met by new high of $24.00 in March. Of course in April of 1995 the greedster's who wanted in gave investors helpful info like.

"it's not investing, it's gambling pure and simple. You might as well go to Neveda and roll the dice." Research Capital Corp. analyst Manford Mallory on buying Diamond Fields Stock Globe and Mail April 19, 1995

"I can't see an awful lot of upside...I'd say take your profits, you may hae the opportunity to get back in at a lower price." sanwa Mccarthy analyst John Hainey on Diamond Fields's $34 stock price Globe and Mail, April 19, 1995"

I wonder if Manford and Sarwa are around today providing "helpful info" to investors.

I remember back in May the heads up for the Charity dump. Some people at the Noront luncheon were given the heads up. Someone was going to dump a large amount of shares for charity. Sell now. Run away as fast as your legs can go. Eight weeks later the share price doubled. Two weeks after the doubling the share price doubled again.

I have done a lot of thinking about Noront this weekend while taking a few walks in the cold outside weather. I thought about things like, " when there was drilling by so many companies in the ROF where was the "Indian outrage". We had Noront, BMK, FNC, MTX, Hawk, SPQ, UC, FWR, and so on and so on. This was right before the commodity crash. We have MUCH MUCH less players drilling now. The difference now is the smell. The overpowering smell of money. The eagles nest can pay for the infrastructure and the rest of the goodies are all mineable. As of Jan. 25, 2010 it got even better Cliff will fork a lot of money for some of the infrastructure. The smell of moo-la is stronger. I think of Noront as the lottery winner. People realize the lottery cheque is coming and are coming forward now to make sure they are in line for a payout. They know the money is there.

Then I remember again the Vancouver 2010-presentation.

Haven’t found the bottom - 90% of holes intersected significant mineralization.

And, I see the precious metal play here not just the base metal play here.

And I see a similar game being played with gold. Bring price down to fill pockets and prepare for the next leg up.

I will continue to hold my shares tightly. There is a back log of drilling information that can hit like a sling shot. I think there will be good volume to sell into but once that venus flytrap grabs the share-meat I think the jaws will close and then possibly without warning the shares will not be readily available to buy back. I find it equally smelly that there is a tremendous effort to release negative but let's hold back on the other kind of news. You know the one that talks about the significant mineralization stuff. Very very smelly.

The Friday antic of releasing the blockade news reminded me of a stunt I did 20 years ago. I took a ziplock bag with an overrippened banana and cut a slit into the banana. I filled it up with blue cheese and microwaved it until it was liquified. A particular individual that we all hated at our workplace was away on holidays for two weeks. This liquified package was inserted in the back of his filing cabinet with the bag of course opened so the aroma had two weeks to infiltrate into all the filing cabinet contents. Hours before the arrival of this person back at work I removed the putrid package and to my sheer delight the file holders and all documents had absorbed the smell. Upon his arrival back he gagged many a times but could not find the source of the smell. He eyed all of us suspiciously. But could not point a finger. All of us co-workers had stronger abs from all the laughing.

On Friday, Jan. 29, 2010, the despicable retail vermin we are seen as, finished work for the day hoping to enjoy a well deserved weekend. The putrid news bag was microwaved ready to assault our nostils. It wasn't hidden in plain sight on the Noront website like the positive news is. The bag was held high in the air and shaken. "Hey Retail...Hello. Don't leave for your weekend just yet. I have something special for you. Now bend over and Inhale deeply. Smells Good Huh? Now run away and please leave your shares behind as you walk out that door. By the way...thanks eh.

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