So, I got to talking a bit with my grandson....he's 6...and we got to talking about the micro vs macro economics and quantitative easing and stuff like that. That led to discussions about investing in penny stocks and the junior stock market. For bedtime reading, I read him the latest Genuity report...thinking that would put any 6 year old to sleep...didn't work.
He asked how much the NOT stock was....I said about $1.50
Oh he said, then they must be buying lots of that I had to respond, actually no, they are selling
Why are they selling if they think it's going to $3.50, he asked. Cause they say they are selling for client's that want to sell. I thought that would settle that...but, no...more questions
If they say the stock is going to $3.50, don't their clients trust what they are saying....I had to respond...I guess not
Then he asked....why aren't they buying any
I thought for a bit, then told him......go to sleep
Kids and their silly questions