"The estimated price for the shares was slated at what 3.60 earlier this winter?!"
One has not to forget that times has changed. We have now a wealthy and happy neighbour who has plenty of Chromite in its basement for playing during a whole century. Ni-Cu and iums are the key for us. We need however to show huge amounts, in order to attract another wealthy partner or purchaser. (Don't think CLF will mine other stuff than Chromite).
A 43-101 now is not a bad idea IMO, it"s not a matter of strategy. Hedgies and institutionals are solidly invested in NOT's capital, and those guys venerate light. They want to see numbers. We have to show what we have, and keep the data up-to-date.
Yes, our low SP makes us vulnerable to a takeover. A merger may well happen some day. We do need a partner. But forget about chromite... It has no shine, shadowed by CLF 100 years inventory next door!