Our current market cap is 176M *$1.45 for 255M dollars.
If we are at the low end of expectations and have 10M tons of $600 ore for 6B worth of minerals, we are trading at only
4.25% In situe value
If we are at the high end of expectations and have 15M tons of $600 ore for 9B of minerals, we are trading at only
2.84% In situe value
Now although these are low, they also are only for the first 1100 meters at Eagles nest and thus gives us ZERO value for
Our Chromite on our land and in 50/50 JV with Probe
Our potential below 1100m for more high grade ore
Our potential at AT-12
Our Nickel+++ at Eagle 2
Our Gold at JJJ zone
Our 30M in the bank
Our very experienced BoD and management team
The fact that infrastructure costs will be shared among at least 2 companies
Now the problem here is they have used this severe undervaluation against us and played this stock way below where it should be. So playing the stock like Sum says is a good idea for some people but I would always keep a core position as this great company of ours can shoot up any time the big boys decide the time is right.
Good luck to all Noront Shareholders,