You have one quandry concern and that is, "Did NOT/ BOD learn anything from the FWR/CLF meltdown, or do they seriously see themselves as invincible Bla, Bla, Bla Etc.
Rapidrob, I don't know if this is a little swipe at NOT, or you really believe that NOT management was serious in taken out FWR?
The NOT management only wanted to flush out CLF and get the ball rolling in the ROF. Everything was kind of at a Mexican standoff in the ring and nothing was happening.
Did the NOT management plan work?
Well you got CLF flushed out and they are at the starting line , the Provincial Government is the blocks , the Federal Government is hailing the ROF as a world class mine, the FN are at the line and the whole world is now looking at the ROF.
Now, Do you really think that the NOT management team are bunch of country bumpkins that just fell off a cabbage truck or are they one sharp bunch?
Well rapidrob, I think we know the answer to that question and I also know who we can thank for getting the pot boiling in the ROF.