I was at the NOT booth when a group (probably 5) FN stopped to talk to Wes. He greated them and knew their individual names (I'm terrible with names). They had Leaf tickets from NOT & were trying to grab another if possible. My understanding was that Chief Moonias was one of the lucky ones(?) who went to the Leaf game rather than the evening event.
I too talked to KWG about the 2 routes staked. The one which would directly benefit Chief M ( let's call him the Big M) would be a disaster across the swamp. The other on the esker is very exciting. Esker = glacial till = rock for gravel/gravel. They are doing soil samples starting from the south at 1000M intervals to see if this can be the route.
The other interesting thing I noted was at the FWR/CLF booth. They had a copy of the NOT release on their table and tried to tell me that the grades were uneconomic... that they will continue to mine Sudbury before anyone would consider the NOT finds. The other comment I heard during the day related to CLF pushing for a private rail line and leave the province to work on FN issues. This approach would be in the best interest of the Govt but would hold the entire ROF ransom to CLF private rail rates.
Great to meet a few AG folks at the bun fest.