that we may see as an offer for our Noront shares.It's disturbing to me, and the family, as long term holders of NOT to read posts from well respected posters who are starting to play down the value that we as shareholders can expect when the time comes to review an offer. When I start to read that we should expect, somewhere in the region of $2.50 to $5 a share I start to wonder where this is coming from. Some of these comments are contained in posts where the poster alludes to discussions with NOT whether it is the CEO or a Board member or perhaps the IR individual.
Lets all be clear we are sitting on one of the greatest combinations of ore bodies in Canadian history, NOT has increased the 43-101 and continues to prove up their overall ore values. . There is no question that the retail investors combined with a few institutions form the majority of shares of NOT, and I cannot believe that we would allow the management group to sell out this resource at a price that does not truly reflect the true value of the ore. It is our opinion that the ROF, holdings, at this time, are in the region of $15-$20 add in a 30% takeover premium and we get to between $20 and $25 or $3-$4billion this does not take into account any bidding that may take place. I'm sure that this post will solicit a number of comments both pro and con but lets get serious about the true value of NOT and it most definitely, at the end of the day, is not $2.50 or $5 a share.