Good afternoon my new friend: You posted -->
Your grandkids may be the eventual benificaries of your long term hold.
That is a difinite Possibilty, however it is far better than saddling 'their' grandkiddies with an unpayable mental debt of "if they had only held out for- - - - .
just imagine if one of your parents had shares of say Micro soft, Gateway etc. in the early 50's, then dumped them with the thought of "this stock could never grow very much. Who is crazy enough to believe that there ever will be a demand for a computer on each home"?
I remember the days when a simple 'give away calculator' would have brought $10,000,000 CA instantly if one had been available.
No, as I have boringly posted many times, the Indians in the jungles of the Yucatan, Quintana roo, and Belize once told me --"No-one has seen tomorow's sun".
And so it goes, this is why OUIJI boards were invented he heh e
Don Jose de La Mancha