good afternoon Luv: That is a very disturbing report, assuming that it is basically true. But then, after relaxing and thinking a bit, I realized that there are very few confirmed Saints, such as myself.
So, appparantly George failed, Richard was replaced by ?? FWR was sold out, and on and on it goes. Frankly just what has changed ??
DD also includes double checking on all Officials, but in the case of junior exploration companies, by the very nature of the business, all successful companies and their executives are suspect. If they aren't 'aggressive', taking advantage of others, and cut corners, the Co. slows down, and is taken over by another if it has any value.
Equally obvious, most have their own families in mind more than a group of unknown share holders. Which would be your priority?
By purchasing the shares, you become part and parcel of the group. You want a huge return, regardles of 'how' it comes, or at what expense to others. In most businesses such as our's, there almost are never any "second place winners" (sorry Bill). Some one wins and someone pays.
Which side do you wish to be on? Remember you are already an accesory to / before the fact. You have given the Officials a go ahead sign that you approve of their actions by your purchase while wiping your hands of any direct responsibility.
By Noront aquireing much of the ROF land, I am sure that more than a few toes were stepped upon. Shall we rectify that by giving the properties back?
What all of this means is that we cannot just hold up our heads in righteous indignation while demandng that our company's shares expload in value.
Regardless, Richard and Elaine are still my basic choice - sides she owes me coffee and doughnuts.
The line forms on the right. Obg is in charge of refreshments, while our lovely Vermillion handles the food.
Don Jose de La Mancha