Today: NOT Alpha exchange volume was 253k shares. TSX volume was 228k NOT shares. Alpha/TSX NOT volume ratio =110.9% (of NOT shares traded today).
For the last 2+ weeks this Alpha%ratio has ranged has been between 75 and 150% of NOT daily TSX volumes.
Primarily it has been Anon selling/buying to/from 07 Bank brokerage of late.
As you all know, none of these NOT share buy/sells are reported on an intraday basis in their totality. FYI.... I'm sure you all know this.....
Those same bank- brokerages are also known as the hedgies. Why do I feel like the OSC is part of this missinformation cabal which affects NOT (and others)?
Are most of the OSC BoD also existing/recently re-tired Bank/brokerage employees?