NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: IP adresses by trading chief

IP adresses by trading chief

posted on Apr 18, 2010 02:05PM

thanks Sambone


TradingChief.Com will never, repeat- NEVER display a partial or entire IP to anyone. In fact to get it from us they will require a writ from the SEC or a Court order.

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There are exceptions to this promise. For instance if you are involved in child porn,exploitation of children, criminal activities, or are found to have been using our servers for illegal use, we will personally walk your IP down to the RCMP. That is the level of criminal activity that would allow us to release your IP
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"There is no need to display a partial IP "IF" the company that is running the board, is honest and doing there Job.", PERIOD!

Agoracom was not doing there job. They stated that they would prevent multiple aliases. They appear not to have, in fact if the allegations are true they "encouraged members of their own front office to have many of them while telling members they had one rogue employee".

An IP checking piece of software is so easy to construct, the only reason it was not, was because the alarms from Agoras front office would have been to much for the front office to deal with.

You either do your job or you do not!!

Releasing even portions of an IP is a stupid way of attempting to rectify a problem that appears to be at the root of your company, it is a breach of personal privacy, in our opinion. Let me explain why.

Lets suppose you live in a small community in Alberta. I have XXX.XXX.212.059 as your posted IP on Agora com. Well I am half way there. During one of your posts you say. "You know XXX-T is such a polluting piece of crap I sure am glad I live in Vaughn".
I now look up Vaughn Alberta and find the only internet provider is Blankenship Internet. I find they have two servers. 189.211 and 189.201 so now I have or which is your complete IP.
How are you feeling about your privacy now, George?
But wait, there's more, I then approach the IPS owner and squeeze him, to give me your name because I have 3 limos outside his farm house, with 9 lawyers in them!!


George, you either do not allow multiples aliases or you do, there is no Grey area to this, its simple

Example 2

If you were actually going to do something about this issue you would have developed the software we have developed.

ANY moron knows about IP masking, however it appears Agora is not aware of it? How amazing!

Doesn't the Agora programmers understand Dynamic IP addressing, Proxy servers, IP Masking, Browser Masking? It's only been here since the inception of the internet?

Dynamic IP is where the last 3 can change without any intervention or malice by the user? so for instance XXX.XXX.212.123 can be XXX.XXX.212.125 in the next post quite easily, and nothing nefarious has been done, so is this fellow now suspect?

Agora has lost the trust of its members, and its companies, that is a fact.

So lets assume for a moment, you realy wish to carry on with your multiple alias ways, but would like to trick your members.

Example 3

What prevents the company from allocating 2000 Phoney "6 digit numbers" to allow 2000 office aliases ? Absolutely nothing!
George, you know how to do it!!

George lets suppose you allocate the bottom right corner of every message to show the last 6 digits of the IP, "for honesty sake".

Now, when Agora Staff member post, you block their real IP "6" and overwrite with a phoney "6". Following me so far?

So you insert a dummy number for all the Agora Employees. To ensure you are not caught, you ensure that the members IP goes through, and the member sees his last 6, and says man this is working well, no more multiples!

So now, Joe the Agora employee signs in and posts. You force XXX.XXX.122.019 and block out his real IP, and allocate 122.019 to Joe from now till they day Joe dies.

Then when Joe from Agora logs in as Sam. You force insert XXX.XXX 069.126 blocking out his real IP and allocate 069.126 to Sam till the day he dies.
Then when Sam logs out and logs in as Sally your force insert of XXX.XXX.155.200 blocking her real IP, and, Sally keeps 155.200 until she dies.

So really George the only thing you really "have to do" is to ensure that the members IP's are real, that's all and you can still keep your office aliases.

Sam, Joe and Sally are posting from the same front office that you were "disgusted to find one office Alias a mere year ago" and assured everyone, no more would exist."

I have been silent on this issue all through this, but once again this is a con, and you know it. You just hope your members don't know it, I am informing them for you. Thank me later.
So as a minimum, you should be honest with your members, because this is pure Agora lipstick! Multiples were an issue at Agora Offices, so it is alleged, not outside your office.

We could post on the Agora board tomorrow with 20 different IPs from the same house, and you know that, well you should know , you were allegedly posting from your house !!

What you have failed to offer is a real solution.

We (Tradingchief.com)have gone the extra mile with our small budget, (and I mean SMALL, we have not been profitable yet) why have you George not done so?
You have Millions in income, your options, your shares and your $5000 a month income per company, why is it our low budget board is making yours look like a pump & promo board?

I will tell you why, we are HONEST on TradingChief.Com. We have gone through many a board, and we learned the hard but right way to build one. The right way is to ensure you create trust. Your solutions seem to encourage another way of creating more aliases all over again.

I suggest people challenge your mickey mouse solution, because nothing has changed. You just want people to think they have changed.

Which begs the question, Why?

Agora has tarnished all board providers and we don't like that! Hence the rebuttal to your feeble effort of doing the right thing. If you want to fix something get off your ass and do it, don't mickey mouse it !!

We have struggled for 5 years because we are a legit, non pumping, non promoting, non bashing, non-multiple alias - board!! We watched you scream up to thousands of posts per day, now we find we were not given a fair fight. You had cheaters, so you went from nothing to $millions in income and grabbed the market based on "integrity". While we struggled.

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare George. We will get there, but it will be on our terms. We want honesty, integrity, and trust. Something we think you left behind the day you started.

I can personally assure everyone here, "NO POSTS" were made by the "Massive head office of TradingChief.Com" under any other alias, other then TradingChief and Dennis!!

I can assure members and Companies that choose to be here, that we do not play games with their money or their reputation, can you?

This is peoples life savings, peoples hard earned money, and a companies hard earned reputation! If companies protect their hard earned reputation, we will help them. If they distort it, then we will not support it. We do not take anything lightly here.

We do not allow a violation on any kind. We have banned a Newsletter operators, and companies like WWF-V that claimed $6 billion dollar credit lines, and SWG-T that we blacklisted from TradingChief.Com, or Jumped on CEOs calling for a $60 share price when they knew damn well they were years from testing. So we are not "pure as the driven rain" however,

We may not have the budget but we do have the morals!!

My first and last comment on the issue.


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