Now, that is constructive annoyance. I agree. We can only change some things some of the time, and at present we can't change much what is happening. Except, it will end eventually. We have a lot of information coming down the pike. The ROF is getting a lot of attention at present.
Just go about your life. Be firm in your belief and hard earned knowledge base regarding NOT and the ROF. No pain, no gain.
And, I know we have taken a lot of pain for a lot of time. Makes us strong. So don't let the buggers get you down.
Look at the positive with our latest NR. And stop trying to flip pennies. If you do, you will feel a lot better.
It is not "Nero fiddled while Rome burned", it is "Rome wasn't built in a day".
Speaking of Rome, I have had an invite to visit Italy. A villa, an opera, and a cappuchino in an outdoor ristorante sound heaven to me.
See you all later. And, I won't be worrying about NOT.
So, give yourself a gift as Stockgreed said. Spend some time with your kids. They are incredible to be around.