NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Steak and Lobster Dinners

Hi all,

I read Steak and Lobster Dinners, flushing toilets and think.....Great!

Did you every have a day when you're employer splurged? Or perhaps you are an employer that has splurged on his/her employees. Was it done during good economic times or bad times?

Remember the extra bonuses? The more luxurious Christmas party. How about the bigger Christmas bonus? Has anyone other than me experienced such events at their work place? I've been part of it. It was called the sharing of good stuff. Whether attributed to a significant increase in sales, profit margins, record new accounts ....it was a shared celebration. It didn't happen every year.

page. 112 The big Score.

" we hit 104 meters of massive!"

Mercaldo let out a whoop and pumped his fist into the air. When he hung up Boulle exclaimed:" we have to celebrate." Inside his mini-bar, Boulle found a small bottle of champagne. AS the two men savoured the bubbly Boulle bowed his head. "Thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God."

This was hole #7 which was drilled in the bitter cold in January.

The ROF must have blackflies the size of golfballs right now. I can't imagine working in that environment. So, it appears we have a celebration going on. Much like the one I am sure the workers at Diamond Fields had after historic hole#7

The biggest problem faced for Diamond Fields was to make sure the news did not leak to the stock market so that regulators wouldn't be all over the company.

So, we hear of Steak and Lobster in Noront-ville. Since this is not daily cuisine, it hints of a celebration of some kind. So, what is being celebrated?

Instead of feeling optimism about this information many are angry. I don't get it.

We were told at the end of April that the continuation of deep drilling was contingent on deep drilling of hole 49. WE continue with two deep drills and now we hear of some celebration style cuisine. Be happy people.As far as the share price, Noront had the regulators on their back last summer. Some staff has been let go and now it appears leaks are gone. Eventually, we will find out what all the hoop-la is about and we will all eat better.

While many of you will eventually change from KD to steak and Lobster, myself will get treated to a higher quality tofu.

Now, the good corporate citizen in me has to give you some Lobster knowledge.

Lobsters carry their young for nine months. They have a long childhood and an awkward adolescence.

Losters like dolphins use complicated signals to establish social relationships

Some Lobsters are right handed while others are left-handed. They have been observed walking hand and hand, the old leading the young.

Lobsters take long distance seasonal walks and can cover 100 miles or more each year

Lobsters show signs of compassion toward each other

Lobsters are sensitive beings, cherish their lives and struggle against death. Dr. Loren Hersley, an invertebreate zoologist, states that a lobster has a "sophisticated nervous system" and feels pain when cut or cooked.

Lobsters can live 145 years or longer if they survive their most devastating predator, human beings. (only .01% survive)

Many people feel uncomfortable about cooking and eating lobsters for a good reason, Lobsters do, indeed, suffer severe and prolonged pain when cut or boiled alive.

Today I made a little choice,

Listened to a little voice

Thought of Planet, Life, and Grace,

I chose a meal that had "No Face".

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