I don't post much but would like to say I have a crazy amount of Noront stock. I've been helped by my good fortune in NSU, ATC and RR (Edgy should know about this one). I'm trying to buy another 15k at US 1.16 today but do not think I'll get in. I've been in the stock since before the nickel hit.
I'm willing to wait years for the stock to show sizeable appreciation. The company has got the goods and I'm sure there is much more to come.
It's sad to see so much negativity about the company on this board. Investing in resource companies requires lots of patience.
I held NSU for 7 years with it's many ups and down. Last accumulation was in 2008 when the world was ending. Sold all last Friday at substantial profit.
I held RR for the last 3+ years. Same story as NSU except still keep 30k position.
I do not trade on daily basis. I buy and hold. If the company has got the goods, and especially if it has good management value will show itself.
I know most of the posters know this, but sometimes is good to hear from somebody else what we already know.