NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: i'm sorry

But we have waited a year now with no real indication where we are sub hole 49.e came out with the release adn the stock went to $3 and now we sit at were we are.This took place i beleive last august, so it's now a year.Where are the results of deep srilling in the last year?No where, but yet everyone here is speculating this big find, well guess what are you the responsable ones for the people who invest int his stock based on your info, or beleifs?The releases don'r prove what is there, and the way the company does it's business wouldnt make anyone beleive there is anything there.Why compare this to voisey's bay?the grades?We are better grades than xstrata and vale...ok but off from voiseys bay and thompson.We are not even close to the tonnage than anyone of these places.We thought AT12 was going to help..nope..eagle 2?...nope..is triple J even a a discovery?Let's go back to the basic before we talk production company and find some freaking discoveries that we use to our SP benefit.It has been a year with really no knows on what is below the depth of eagle one.all we have is a confused release telling us why we have no answers yet.I want what everyone here wants, and that is good results with SP appreciation.For peple to come on here and pump this thing up and have results that disappoint the market and watch the SP drop, is nothing but bad advice or wrong speculation.Everytime someone on here gave there reasoning, or opinion to what is going on or why...did the SP rise?So i guess we are all wrong and have no idea really what is going on.Let's just sit tight and wait for INFORMATIVE RELEASES that tell what is really going on(positive or negative)so that we can discuss it.Show me why you think eagles nest continues...show me why you think it's an upside down elephant we are looking for..show me something rather than we are mining this one discovery, that is so far out of the way, its almost imposible to have access to it.There are missing pieces to this puzzls, but without the company telling what is going on or what has been discovered it's impossible to put a finger on it.I know alot of us hope for the best, but there are way to many opinions out there.What is beleivable and what isn't?Tell me in a press release, until then i see why the SP is where it is.

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