Do not want to rain on your parade Mynot from yesterday's post re Nokomis Resource but comparing to NOT's values of $650 per Ton just to show how great we look.
Prices per Kitco metal calculator they are:
0.639% copper, 0.200% nickel, 0.660 grams per tonne
Copper 14 lb = $46
Nickel 4.4 lb = $41
PD approx. 1 gram=.03oz = $15
Total $103
Copper equivalent of 1.51%=33 lb. = $107.
Our $120 operational and overhead costs means about $500 profit per ton before taxes.
So their costs should be cheaper but even with only $50 that leaves only $50 and there are taxes royalties and what have you. Not very economical while we are like a great gold mine by comparison.
Just ball parking on the dollar values.