Very true but hole 49 itself was designed not to hit ore but to be use for down hole geophysics to pin point the ore. Hole 49 did indeed hit ore directly. I think they said what they said not to get our hopes up. I would expect the extension to hit some ore but it would be very hard to hit it all the way down to 2500 or where ever the convergence zone is. Hole 49 found lens b and c. Maybe with or downhole geophisics hole we "accidentily" directly found e,f,g and the convergence zone which also was hit by the second drill to make sure it is big... But as alwasy just speculation. I would like to find out tommorow what today ws about. I dont want a huge rumor run then the news comes out and we faulter. I would liek the news to build on what happend today not take away from it.. I guess I will have another sleepless night.. I love Christmas in August.. :) TTY