NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: JJ Epitaph at NOT
Aug 07, 2010 02:04AM

Irony for me. I emailed JJ for the second time ever on Friday of last week. No response.

Glad to hear she may be gone because with the nature of my email I felt quite disrespected and actually a bit angry that she didn't respond.

I don't have much of an impression of JJ having rarely communicated with her. I will say though, as nice as she may be..most people appear to be generally 'nice', and the few times I did interact with her it was pretty much....well, let's just say that I think she lacked the proverbial 'charm' that may come with her IR position.

I say this as someone who has become quite bitter with the Noront management team and am embarrassed to admit that I voraciously defended them for so long.

As I've said before, I feel like I'm held hostage by the pathetic share price and quite honestly chuckle to myself as they will likely do whatever is necessary to raise it as we approach the October AGM.

I would love to do the diatribe thing and cleanse my thoughts on Wes and the team. He's pretty much got a thankless job and I respect the fact that he's been handed a live grenade with the FN, Cliffs and Government. However, with great responsibility comes tough decision making.....

The AGM is a day of reckoning, and I for one am tired of being a lemming. I've put my very hard-earned money down to be a part of this company and they have kept me in the dark for many, many months and although I do not subscribe to the manipulation theories on this hub, I do believe that these guys know a ridiculous amount more than I do....and when I went to the luncheon last August and Wes claimed that we would all get the same information at the same time....I took his word.

It looks as though some douche from Merrill seems to have some information that I don't, and it really pisses me off. Not to mention the recent article that claims that Noront has agreed to a 'partnership' with Chief Moonias of MFFN. Anyone here know about that? Who is calling the shots here, I'd like to know....maybe if the Chief sent out an IPO for our claims I should invest in him?

Regardless and for an example, I'm a bit of a football fan. I sure as heck can't throw a ball farther than the worst QB of all time, but if I'm going to pay money to root for my team, they had better try and get somebody that has a rocket for an arm and can win games...otherwise get someone else. Let's go Wesley....you have 3 months left, if you haven't convinced Moonias that you are the best thing since sliced bread then maybe you aren't cut out for the big leagues.

My votes are for sale, and quite honestly if I knew what the hell has happened in the past 6 months (for real) I'd love to support our existing team, but for some reason I don't believe anything. Is that my fault?

Aug 07, 2010 04:53AM
Aug 07, 2010 05:54AM
Aug 07, 2010 08:09AM
Aug 07, 2010 08:37AM
Aug 07, 2010 09:15AM
Aug 07, 2010 10:11AM
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