NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Invisible to visible time?

Something occured to me today.

Noront has been hiding for a long time. (we already know this)

-I posted not long ago about SNC, MICON, AECOM, GOLDER & ASSOC etc. not showing any evidence on their website about dealings with Noront Resources. If you recall I gave you links for Micon as one example: http://www.micon-international.com . When you clicked on this link you see their home page. On the right you see search this site with an arrow. I told you that if you type in KWG you get info. If you type in Noront you get nothing. All of the above mentioned companies have helped to keep Noront quiet and out of the public eye.

-I noticed with many of the conferences Noront attended that there were choices. You could have a booth and present or just have a booth and wait for people to come by to chat. I noticed the passive route with Noront in many instances. The last show we attended, Noront was listed as a participant NOT a presenter. They chose the quieter route. It almost felt like "show them we are trying to promote the company but keep a low profile."

The Rodman & Renshaw show was available last year and Noront chose not to attend. They have never attended this show.

-So why this year? This GLOBAL, expensive, sophisticated show? First time I've seen the show-offie-ness. The webcasting and note this: ( webcasting is optional and it IS wanted?. Is it show time?

If you have signed up to webcast your presentation, your power point slides will be included in the web cast, available live and archived for 90 days.

To me, this show is like ice-cream. It's tasty, cool and sweet. But, what about the whipping creme and cherry on top . (I'm talking about the TSX senior listing). Come on guys ...this is the format

Conference Format:

  • Corporate Presentations
  • Investor One-on-One Meetings
  • Daily Networking Opportunities over Breakfast, Lunch and Cocktails


  • Institutional Investors
  • Private Equity Firms
  • Sophisticated Private Investors
  • Industry Executives
  • Business Development Executives

I can just imagine, these rich sophisticates getting all hot and heavy and vaseline-ish(sorry scarff..I can't get the OSC-and vaseline thing out of my head..had to add it in somehow..forgive please) and not being able to come to the buying party once they hear we are venture-vulture exchange listed /pink sheet-shit. Come on Noront, you will be mingling with global sophisticates for pete's sake. Janet Jackson will be singing for pete's sake. With all this glamour do you really want to admit we are vulture- venture. Do you want to leave the impression of a scavenging bird feeding on the carcass of a dead animal? Not cool.

So, we do this classy presentation, perhaps, show the slide of the Sudbary Basin superimposed on the ROF map( to sink the magnitude of this beast into everybodies brain), webcast the presentation for the world and in return we get impotent buying.

"Sorry my boss doesn't allow us to buy pink stuff." Your presentation sure sounded great though......call us when you are listed on the AMEX & Senior TSX. . How long have you guys beeen around? Took a peak at your website during pee-pee break and noticed that one of your directors is : Paul Parisotto who happened in a former life to be: Manager, Original Listings at The Toronto Stock Exchange from 1985 to 1994. During his tenure at the TSE he was involved in the listing process for over 250 companies. Can he make it 251 companies??"

What I am trying to say in a long winded way is : it surely must be time.

I am pretty sure the institu's have their 66% by now. Time to come out of the closet and show the global world what you got. The show is a great start. Do it with a senior listing please. You want to be Canada's next big mining camp...get off the vulture exchange.

Something interesting I noticed. Aurelian Resources graduated to a senior exchange Feb. 28, 2007. Patrick Anderson was quoted as saying, " Graduation to this listing was an important milestone for Aurelian . It provided us with improved access to capital and BROADER MARKET RECOGNITION."

Let's do it again please. This broader market recognition thing. Also interesting was that shortly before this senior listing, the Aurelian share price was pulled down quite greedishly (kind of like our price has recently) only to handsomely move to a higher level after this announcement. I remember Iam's post about big news coming out for Noront and the sudden spike on Friday. What about the idea of FINALLY a senior listing, followed by some good NR's so people with big money can actually buy this stock instead of just look at it like a goldfish in a bowl.

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