NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow

I find it difficult to believe that with the reserves that Noront has proved up, with their understanding of the geology, their land position, gov't interest, major (cliff's) as neighbour combined with the utterly ridiculous share price...that...someone out there hasn't approached Noront with a proposal for a JV.

The obviously, held down share price had me pull out my copy of The Big Score ...again.

I went to page 186 again, and was reminded once again that Falconbridge approached Friedland about a JV. When Friedland rejected Falconbridge's offer , Falconbridge had two options: a minority interest under Friedland's terms or a hostile takeover bid. The decision to mount a hostile bid was made.

The problem was, that everytime they came up with a reserve estimate, the darn share price would go higher forcing them to re-examine everything again.(Surely, by this example, parties have learned to "make this part easier by better share price manipulation!") P.S. (Cibc you are doing a great job.)

The team at Falconbride worked Easter weekend drafting a takeover proposal to present to its board early the next week. While this crunching was going on another suitor had not been idle. The suiter was Teck. Long story short.....at the same time the number crunching was being done by Falconbridge, Teck and Friedland were agreeing to Teck paying $36 per share or 108 million for a minority stake in the company (10%). Friedland accepted the offer because, Teck agreed to a VITAL condition: Teck would sign a standstill agreement which gave Friedland voting control of Teck's interest during a potential takeover battle. Now , it was almost impossible for anyone to acquire Diamond Fields without his approval. He also had a badly needed infusion of cash to continue exploring at Voisey Bay. Teck's 26% premium over the average stock price was WELL below the $50 per share valuation of the Voisey Bay ore. At first investors were unimpressed by Teck's investment. The stock price went down to below Teck's $36 dollar price BUT shortly after drill results were released and the price hit $50 bucks per share. Falconbridge was caught off-guard with Teck's investment. Thre rest of the story is history.

It is clear by the share price action that something wicked this way comes.

The Big Score is a reminder to me of how, one man, Robert Friedland was able to pull off this deal. I find it difficult to believe that the saavy, experienced BOD that we have, is just sitting like ducks without a plan, while, the share price lies well below the March value of $4-$5.00 for Eagles nest alone. There's been lots of rumours posted on the AGORA board and I think we all have the feeling that eventually with all the upcoming news we expect on regional exploration, and, the deep drills, that something is not going to invade the air soon. .

When it comes to Noront I believe, "Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow."

One of my favorite poems below:

Ray Bradbury.....

Crystal water turns to dark
Where ere it's presence leaves it's mark
And boiling currents pound like drums
When something wicked this way comes...

A presence dark invades the fair
And gives the horses ample scare
Chaos rains and panic fills the air
When something wicked this way comes...

Ill winds mark it's fearsome flight,
And autumn branches creak with fright.
The landscape turns to ashen crumbs,
When something wicked this way comes...

Flowers bloom as black as night
Removing color from your sight
Nightmarish vines block your way
Thorns reach out to catch their prey

And by the pricking of your thumbs
Realize that their poison numbs
From frightful blooms, rank odors seep
Bats & beasties fly & creep

'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow
Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow
All will rot & decompose
For something wicked this way grows...

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