They were "movin' on the top". NOT to get ahead of things here and maybe it's because of our total lack of any news in what you could call good realm but I think we may have just recieved news that could push us into a new CLASS. By that I mean a greater percentage of people will now recognise that we do have a World Class Deposit. I don't pretend to know what Tier 1 holds for us but if nothing else it brings a greater prestige that WILL be recognised by the world.
Now we all know the Jefferson's moved on up to the top... I'd like to think that we're headed in the same direction as good ol' George and Wheezie.
Obviously noone is expecting this overnight but at this point baby steps are better than the standing still and backing up we've been experiencing.
I won't predict the share price is gonna take off into the blue but whether it's by share price or by prestige...we are moving up.