NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: We need information on deep drills - Goldfinger...

You posted,

"If we do not get some information on deep drilling (even if it is just visual) before the AGM I think Wes should be replaced. I read on TC (for what it is worth) that many large retail and institutions are feeling he should be replaced also. The amount of money spent and all we have is 4 in fill hole results does not speak well for management.

Hopefully mgt will get an earfull at the AGM. I hope some really tough questions are asked by someone articulate and can think on their feet.


Now, let me start by saying that I totally agree with your statement. Secondly, I just want to remind you that when Mr. Nemis was ousted by our current BOD and new Management put in place, there were a few people (George from Agoracom and Crazydik to name 2 I DO remember) that were not even let into the room where the meeting was to take place. I would caution that this kind of banter be taken to PM land where any and all disgruntled shareholders can put together a list of questions that can then be presented to those in charge at the meeting... That way, there will be no "suprises" at the door ensuring that some not be able to make it into the room.

I am still on the fence regarding this management. Do they have anythng worthy of news releases??? My past with Noront has been that if it is eerily quiet around the company, that is for a reason. There is nothing new to report... That has been the PAST of my memorable experience with Noront... Want examples? How about Eagle II, drilling on Chromite, the time it took before news to come out for almost anything (except when they needed cash and showed visuals ONE TIME ONLY for hole 49!!!). News has to be pried from this current management... is this a good thing??? I really don't know. When you look at a couple of other "transparent" companies in the ROF, what do you get? Freewest, oh wait, that company was bought out too early, well, then how about Spider??? Oh, sorry, forgot, that company was ALSO bought out early, transparancy and all... (this was reminded to me by Babjak, btw)

So, where is Noront? Well, they still have approx. 8 billion worth of ore to date to the 1200 meter level, not counting any chromite, gold or Vanadium... is it worth, what, 182ish million shares X $1.12??? Sure, if you do the NEW MATH, the one where the Bay Street Bullies want you to believe that this will NEVER come out of the ground... Then, why NOT take a 30% premium over the last 90 trading days??? Hmmmmmmmmm.

OK, here it is, if you vote me as president and CEO and I get to choose my own BOD, I promise to start blasting out Eagle 1A within 1 year (permits or no permits), have the winter road built and trucks hauling out that ore directly to the smelters, just like Mr. Nemis envisioned!!! I will use HIS template to get this ball rolling and the dividend cheques flowing. Want to sell your shares for $1.12 to $1.40??? I would buy them all and pay myself the going rate of dividends that would probably pay that off in 1 - 2 years, and then take all the profits from that day forward straight to the bank! Seriously, if you are bailing now, then you are not looking at the fundamentals... There IS value there. Maybe we need someone new at the reigns (other than Warren Irwin and his Hedge Fund ilk that have not ONE IOTA of sense in how to get a company running, based of course on the performance of NORONT and how it was used as a vehicle for options and low cost PP's for those in the right crowd) and get this party started. No more having to know how much ore we have over any whatever land we hold claims over!! Start blasting already! Trust me, there is enough ore there to more than get started, and much more will be found. You want to get the big companies attention??? Then start selling Nickel, copper, platinum, paladium and a couple of other iums that I can't even remember into the market!!! That will get those cheque books out if what you want is to get a quick sale at a FAIR price. Cliffs will seriuosly want to get that chromite out of the "moose pasture" too, and not in the next 20 years, so they WILL build the choo choo tracks into there...

What I am saying is we need someone NOW who is willing to take this company to the next level and start PRODUCING something instead of taking fancy pictures underground and spending 10's of millions of dollars and never telling us where it is going!!! Either transparancy is the order of the day or it is time to you-know-what or get off the pot. It's time to quit being silent and try the other route LIKE the Freewest and Spider or get someone to start ordering dyanamite. Make a hole by hole 5 already. The high grade ore is only about 5-7 meters under the rock, for crying out loud.

Keeping under the radar until now, probably an excellent idea. Keeping under the radar now, probably going to get taken out for a song, and no, I don't mean you, Ken, with your "awesome" rendition of a Johnny Cash, mining version of course, that was so excellenty played at the ROF Classic this year. I mean have this big, valuable staked claim taken out of those hands that are just too tired to hold on anymore. Course of action??? Which one will get me a great return on my money that has been like, totally tied up for the last 3 1/2 years in a company with an unbelievable find that should have been proven up long ago, with all the money spent on the "proving" part to date... If we go on too much longer at this rate, we will seriously be getting into the area of spending more to prove up what is in the ground than what IS IN THE GROUND...

Start blasting. Hey, do it next week. Those who are trying to get our company won't see it coming. You might just get a chance to get that one critical step ahead of those nasty people who would take your cake from you for a peanut, and then eat it right in front of you for effect.................

Herb :-{ Very disgruntled, but still hanging on to my core position with both hands, legs and now with my teeth as well!!!

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