NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Classic suck out

"I am looking at this as a manmade tsunami, and what we are seeing is the suck out that precedes the big wave."

I think you're right on K.. And didn't they touch it up with a bit of cosmetics to make the pp at 1.25 while the sp was taken down to 1.18.... though we know that the FS math comes out a lot cheaper after taxes. The trading today was really obvious with a clear attempt at taking the sp down for the after market release, in my opinion. I suspect there is going to be a big N.R. before too long....after just enough time to put a little space between dirty deeds. We saw the back door to the show being opened today so a few of the entitled could scoot in for a cheapie. It's how it goes. Insiders look after insiders.

Considering all of the above, others have stated and I concur, that this is the time to be wary and not to lose control of one's rational thinking. It's the time to be stealthy and, if you have more cash, watch for a low that stabilizes and move in. Just my opinion.

Wes is not your friend, neither was Mac nor Neil. We came here to make money not cut off our noses. So much has been written about how all things are coming together for the ROF. Part of that is the dirt to make murky the waters. This is the game and the question is what part will you play. One of the sheep?.... or one of the savvy after feeders who knows when and how to feed from the predators? It really isn't much of a dilution when all is said and done and I'm not really surprised by anything this BOD does with a company that has the potential NOT does. Everyone will want a piece of NOT eventually. If your feelings are hurt or you feel cheated, mislead or the like, it's time to refocus. The questions being raised are not the issue. It's the emotion attached to them and the actions brought about by them that may or may not be profitable. Cool some jets and recognize that the N.R. was really just a little straw that unloaded a whole sea of pent up frustration. As K. and others have pointed out, this is part of the cycle that usually precedes an upward move. Anything can happen but be prepared. I dumped most of my NOT but for a small core and will be looking for some signs to jump back in. If I miss it I don't mind....I'm not in love with NOT and I'm not affraid of any trains leaving any stations. The market is full of opportunities.

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