NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Spoke with Sir Richard today.


You mentioned Richard's point was:

" If they were exploring like an exploration company should, they would have drill results coming out of their ying yang."

My viewpoint is, I like the way things are being handled.

Noront drilling deep and drilling regional targets...and quiet. Very quiet.

A company that has explored only 1% of their massive large ROF land package is very much an exploration company.

It is wonderful to have the knowledge that only 1% exploration of the land has equated to a P&A that spells out we are in business! We have enough already to make this a go. This has removed the risk.

I love the strategy I see. The Dinner.

Noront and the Government decide to go for a nice dinner together.

A very expensive restaurant is chosen. The gov't official arrives in a chauffer driven luxury vehicle. The chauffer is a pleasant man approximately 55 years old and is wearing a very distinguished cap. The suit is an elegant navy with shiny brass buttons.

The kindly chauffer opens the door. Out steps the government official. His suit is custom made from the finest linens and silks. His shoes professional polished. The hands are soft like butter and the nails are buffed from a very recent manicure. The sun sparkles on the Rolex watch draped around his wrist. In his hand is a briefcase, hand made from rare crocodile skin.The skin is from a Cuban croc. Cuban crocodiles are in danger of extinction. This briefcase must have cost a fortune.

Wes and Paul step out of a Honda Accord Lx. Wes is wearing a comfortable suit he purchased from Cosco. Paul's suit is from Jack Frazer. He still can't believe the bargain. $199.00 and the pants were altered for free. Their timex watches shine in the sun. Their hands dry and weather beaten from nature's elements. Their shoes have traces of James Bay Lowlands swamp mud. They look poverty stricken compared to the government official.

The dinner is magnificant. Wes and Paul and Mr. Government are enjoying every bite.

Wes sighs as he takes a sip of the champagne. It is so delicious. Wes mentions, " I have champagne taste but I have beer bottle pockets." The subject of incomes come up and the government official feels sorry for his poor friends. He could not survive a day on their yearly incomes!

The bill comes and it is a big one. Wes and Paul, squirm uncomfortably in their seats.

Wes's forehead is forming a bead of sweat.

The government official grabs the bill with a quick thrust and pulls out his Amex. Wes and Paul sigh in relief. They could never afford such a bill.

As they depart from the restaurant, Wes and Paul fondly shake the hand of the government official and thank him again for this generosity and a very fine meal.

Once in the car, Wes and Paul stare at eachother like a couple of sly foxes. They are happy they left the fineries at home. Wes turns to Paul and says, " I'm glad you didn't bring the Aston-Martin! Paul turns to Wes and says, "I'm glad you didn't bring the Maybach Landaulet." They both giggle and agree the scuffed up shoes were a good final touch.

Mission accomplished...they got someone else to pay. Dinner will become Infrastructure. The fineries will come out after the bill is paid.

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