NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Remember the last time I said....

I am often amused, Sum, how one person can read the messages from the (gurus?) in one fashion, yet the next person gets a totally opposite reasding from them. I see the market as wanting to surge. It got a bit of a kick in the privates from the situation in Japan, and although the situation there has worsened dramatically in the last week, the market is sloughing it off, and surging regardless.

Regarding our beloved NOT, and the relentless battering it is taking from these supposed manipulators, I say let them do what they will. When the time comes for serious movement, they will be ignored and ineffectual.

At any rate they are serving their purpose for the moment, and if anyone is paying attention, they can profit from them. When the SP bumped up a couple of weeks ago, I dumped a good chunk with the intention of getting in on the coming buyout over at CMM. However as I watched and shuddered from the smell coming from there, I decided to take a pass on it. As it turned out I was well positioned for this recent drop down to mid .70s and managed to fill my boots again. It turned out well, but I was very nervous the whole time I was partially out of NOT.

I have said before, and will again, that the day of reckoning is approaching. All one has to do is read the (newspapers?). The ROF is going to be developed. If that is a given, then the Eagles are going to be developed. It would seem only logical that whoever is the prime developer will want control of the area, and will ultimately want the Eagles, but regardless, Eagle1 is too ripe of a plum to not be mined. And we own it.

The question often asked here is why has Noront taken the path it has over the last year or two, with it's constant silence, and mostly negative news when there is any. Possibly the answer is they are taking the wise path. Maybe the direction everything is taking is a direct result of Noront's actions. There is no question that they forced CLF into action when they moved on FWR a couple of years ago. It is not unlikely that they had some effect on the move on SPQ as well. All the publicity of late has to do with the efforts CLF is or is not putting into devopment of the area, while all Noront has to do is just continue plugging away with the drill bit. They even managed to stay completely clear of the altercations with Marten Falls and their blockade attempts. Perhaps at the appropriate moment, when some of the infrastructure questions have been answered, they can reanalyse the geophysics of the area, and suddenly find these other Eagles everyone is waiting for. At any rate their dollars are better spent on the drill bit, than on lobbying efforts for infrastructure, or on appeasing native issues.

At any rate, if things are going to happen here, they most likely will happen between now and end of May, That is a short 10 weeks from now. Now is not the time to not be in NOT.

Best regards


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