NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Hope and the actual reality :

In reference to the article called Hope and the actual Reality....

I prefer to call this article, "Hope and the REAL HIDDEN agenda aka Xstrata Paws."

The Real HIdden reality....not evident in this so called story is this:

The Ring of Fire is 4x the size of the Sudbury Basin. It has also been compared to putting two Price Edward Islands together. Most recently...compared to the size of Rhode Island.

As long term share holders we don't have to rehash the REAL Value in the ground. No to forget the very scary problem to all the major mining vultures out there is....so little of the land has been explored. To find so much ...in a short period of time..with so much to explore ...it's downright frightening to a competitor.

As a major...I'd be worried. This is not a competitor I would want in my backyard.

Due to these cold hard facts every game will be played until a "winner" is victorious.

This article written the other day by Saul Chernos, feels "gamey" to me.

Surprisingly, he did not interview the ROF co-ordinator for "another" perspective.

Christine Kaszycki- the Gov't appointed Ring of Fire Co-ordinator thinks development could move quickly. Here's a link from March 2011


As a journalist not only would I be very very careful about interviewing many and getting various opinions....I would also do a very careful background check on who it was I was interviewing.

I've pasted the article below that was previously posted.

Pay attention to the words,

"Peter McBride.....& his words, The construction industry should pay attention to mines elsewhere in Ontario that will be coming into production within the next few years, McBride says"

Pay attention to mines elsewhere in Ontario? Really Peter? Should I pay attention to other mines elsewhere? The slight problem I have with Peter is , he has held public affairs and investors relations positions with Falconbridge Limited .

April 1995, sneaky Falconbridge tried to stage a hostile takeover of Diamond Fields (Voisey Bay). Right on Easter weekend...How nice is that?

Xstrata completed the acquisition of Falconbridge on 2 November 2006. Xstrata is somewhat involved with KWG. Is is not possible that Peter is doing a favor to someone....based on his past history?

What is furthermore fishy fishy fishy to me is, the same article states:
"These more immediate hot-spots are as close-at-hand as the Sudbury area, where Xstrata has invested close to $1 billion in its Nickel Rim South Mine.....,"

This article to me ...looks like it has Xstrata paws all over it.

Why is it that whenever anything significant is ready to come out ...the negative media stuff rears it's head?. I remind you of :

Research capital Analyst..Manford Mallory on buying Diamond Fields stock...Globe and Mail April 19, 1995....."It's not investing, it's gambling pure and simple. You might as well roll the dice."

or how about,

Sanwa McCarthy analyst John Hainey on Diamond Fields, $34 stock price...Globe and Mail, April 19, 1995... "I can't see an awful lot of upside...I'd say take your profits, you may have the opportunity to get back in at a lower price."

So, did Manford and Sanwa give some good advice to people reading the Globe and Mail?

The answer was no.

Because shortly after in August 1996,

Inco Limited completes acquisition of Diamond Fields Resources, making VBNC a wholly owned subsidiary. Inco commits to build Smelter/ Refinery in Province.

Diamond Fields went to $145 per share (pre-stock split price)

“The Ring of Fire is a hot topic,” says Peter McBride, a spokesperson with the Ontario Mining Association. “It’s an area of incredible potential. Mines could be operating there for generations, but we’re not quite there yet. There’s lots more going on before it will come on stream.”

The construction industry should pay attention to mines elsewhere in Ontario that will be coming into production within the next few years, McBride says.

Ring of Fire in Ontario of interest to miners but builders advised to look closer to current mines



Hot mineral exploration areas like the Ring of Fire in northern Ontario suggest significant construction down the road.

But builders looking for more immediate work should focus on sites elsewhere in the province that are closer to actual mine activity, industry reps say.

Located in the James Bay Lowlands, hundreds of miles north of existing transportation and hydroelectric infrastructure, the Ring of Fire has attracted considerable attention in recent years. Mining prospectors and early-stage developers are hoping to tap what’s widely believed to be mammoth deposits of chromium, nickel, copper, platinum and palladium.

True, infrastructure such as an often-discussed $600-million railway line will be needed. However, actual development is years away at best.

Although the Ontario government has announced its intention to open the area to growth, local Aboriginal populations are demanding treaty rights and environmental groups are worried new transportation corridors and mines will harm the fragile boreal forest.

“The Ring of Fire is a hot topic,” says Peter McBride, a spokesperson with the Ontario Mining Association. “It’s an area of incredible potential. Mines could be operating there for generations, but we’re not quite there yet. There’s lots more going on before it will come on stream.”

The construction industry should pay attention to mines elsewhere in Ontario that will be coming into production within the next few years, McBride says.

“Right now, in Ontario alone, between new mines and mine expansions, you’re looking at capital expenditures in the range of $8.5 billion. I don’t think any industry is making capital expenditures on new projects that are as big as what mining is making.

These more immediate hot-spots are as close-at-hand as the Sudbury area, where Xstrata has invested close to $1 billion in its Nickel Rim South Mine, a new nickel-copper property. Vale also plans to invest $3.4 billion to upgrade century-old mining operations in the area.

Probably the biggest construction project in the province right now is Detour Gold, northeast of Cochrane. The company is investing more than $1.2 billion to bring a former site back into production by 2013.

“Right now there’s a construction camp there housing 1,000 people,” McBride says. “That’s probably the biggest hotel and food service project in northern Ontario.”

Northgate Minerals is bringing its Young-Davidson gold mine into production in early 2012 to a site west of Kirkland Lake.

“That’s close to a $340 million capital expenditure,” McBride says.

Even southern Ontario has potential for growth. McBride says some salt and gypsum mines are being expanded.

All this development raises the question: What construction services might be needed?

Forget monolithic cookie-cutter projects. McBride says every mine and every mining community is different. In places where a new mine is being built, the shopping list can include anything from roads and buildings to hoisting equipment and headframes.

“Mineral production is heavy industry,” McBride says. Consulting engineering firms are needed to manage procurement and construction, and supply and service providers to understand and serve the mining sector.

McBride says Ontario’s mine supply and service sector is substantial, recording more than $6 billion in annual revenues. Of course, this includes products and is broader in scope than building and construction services.

Dick DeStefano, executive director of the Sudbury Area Mining Supply and Service Association, says needs in and around mining sites include a range of buildings, including homes for workers, office space, and industrial facilities.

“You need the exploration stuff, which mainly involves drilling, but you first need to accommodate people. It can be portable, but there’s a tremendously rich field of play to build homes,” DeStefano says.

In fact, he says, some large, established communities, including Timmins, Kirkland Lake and Red Lake, are currently experiencing housing shortages.

As mining activity progresses from exploration and development to production, the construction shopping list extends to specialized facilities such as cement platforms, conveyor belts, electrical systems, mills and concentrators. Mining shafts and headframes also require construction.

Because Sudbury is such a major hub for mining, it’s become home for a wide variety of industries that support mining. Thanks to growth in mining exploration and activity in the north, the city is looking to develop a new strategy for industrial parks. The Town of Blind River is also looking to expand its industrial park, DeStefano says.

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