Isn't this great news for long term holders?
We have a world class steel company investing in NOT, motivated by both our chromite and Nickel/PGMs etc., who want to take us to production. Yes, they are in relatively cheap for 10%, for $17M and another 4% at $12M, but over the long term they are not buying us out for a small % of total in situ value, but instead will likely want off-take agreements to buy production from our future mine(s) at world prices.
Those looking for the quick deal aka SPQ and FWR may be disappointed, but in the long view, shareholders will benefit more. It also allows us to continue to explore our large land package and add more value to the company.
While I like SUM's thinking, the 5% termination fee acts as a normal break fee in any deal to deter others from entering the fray.
This has also got to make the Province sit up and take notice. We need infrastructure agreements in place!