Right now NOT is at 65 cents...Wes took over on June 22/09..Almost 2 years ago...That day NOT closed at 57 cents...We have a gain of 8 cents in 2 years..This is absolutely disgusting...They have spent millions on drilling.....Granted themselves options....plus outrageous salaries...Diluted the shares....Failed miserably in a takeover of FWR.....and NO listing on the TSX....I have been a NOT holder since the Fall of 2008... And recently bought more at 80 cents......I, can not for the life of me, figure out what the hell is going on....There are other Exploration companies in the ROF that have done squat in the last 2 years and they have a shareprice almost the same as NOT....Go figure....I made some money on SPQ and FWR but not what I had expected....I just hope that it is not deja vue all over again with NOT...Because if it is,I will have to change my handle from Retiredrookie to BAGHOLDER.....Just a little vent .....Regards and GLTA....R R