NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Some facts

Fact: Noront is wanted, coveted and every dirty trick to get shares will be forcefully applied.

Fact: Last 10 minutes of trading showed aggressive CIBC on buy side and Merrill lynch on sell side.

Fact: Li Ka-shing, owns ten percent of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), making him the single largest individual shareholder.

Fact:CIBC, in turn, owns Merrill Lynch Canada .

Fact: Merrill Lynch International is owned jointly by Thomas Fung and Li.

Fact:McGuinty met with Li Ka Shing, to talk about Chromite. Do you see his name above associated with CIBC and Merrill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't be fooled at this stage of the journey. Your shares are wanted in a bad way. The players are trained and are ruthless. Go back in your readings and reaffirm to yourself that what you have is very good and this period of time it there because of horrid greed and nothing more. Baosteel bought 9,9% for a reason. The 3rd largest steel company in the world is not stupid.

Please re-read McGuinty's visit in Hong Kong. I remind you again about the opening of the 1st North American headquarters of China Investment Corp. Jan. 19, 2011 on Bay Street. Citic (Eric Huang who is the CEO) is the investment arm of China Investment corp.

Following the re-read of McGuinty meets ... article you will see some new news today.

Ask yourself why the gov't is spending 45 million?.......With Aboriginal populations increasing, and mining developments on the horizon in the North, Lakehead University economics professor Livio Di Matteo said investments in training for Aboriginal people is welcome news

Investment, Chromite Top Agenda For Premier In Hong Kong - November 3, 2010

McGuinty Meets with Chairman Li Ka-shing and CEO Eric Huang

Leaders from Hong Kong's business community met Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and ministers Sandra Pupatello and Michael Chan to discuss investment opportunities in Ontario.

Premier McGuinty spoke at a reception hosted by the Canada-Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce. Guests included leaders in mining and financial services. McGuinty credited Ontario's strong financial services sector for helping it weather the global recession better than most other economies. He also talked about the government's plans to develop the Ring of Fire, an area in Northern Ontario that contains one of the world's largest chromite deposits.


Province funds growth

Special to The Chronicle-Journal
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 - 08:00

Economic growth in Northwestern Ontario has been the key point during the ThinkNorth II summit in Thunder Bay, and the provincial government is doing its part to help create growth in the region’s economy.

Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Minister Michael Gravelle announced funding for training and infrastructure during the summit’s second day in Thunder Bay.
The province is putting up $16.6 million to bring cellular and broadband services to remote communities, and $45 million to train aboriginals in mining, energy, forestry, tourism, and agriculture, and almost $5 million to extend natural gas services to Red Lake, Balmertown and Cochenour.
“The long and the short of it is, how can we be prepared for the future,” Gravelle (Thunder Bay-Superior North) said following the announcement.
More than $45 million will fund a three-year initiative for training under the Northern Training Partnership Fund. The money will support Anishinabek Employment and Training Services, Kitchenuhmaykoosib First Nation, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Metis Nation of Ontario, Bimose Tribal Council, Iskatewizaagegan No. 39 Independent Nations and Dumas Contracting Limited.
“There is a tremendous skill shortage going on and we know that, for example, one of the things that was identified in the Northern Ontario Growth Plan, is that within a generation, 25 per cent of the workforce in Ontario will be Aboriginal,” Gravelle said. “It was clearly identified that we needed to provide support to upgrade the skills that were there.”
With Aboriginal populations increasing, and mining developments on the horizon in the North, Lakehead University economics professor Livio Di Matteo said investments in training for Aboriginal people is welcome news.
“Historically, their completion rates for post-secondary education and training have been below the non-aboriginal population,” said Di Matteo.
He added that there has been talk about education and training for Northern communities and Aboriginal people in the past, but there is added importance now because of the economic opportunities that exist in the region.
“In 15 or 20 years, the Aboriginal population will be a significant component of the labour force in this area,” Di Matteo said. “So if we are going to develop the area north of 50 for mining and resource development, it’s very important that there is a labour force to go there.”
A total of $16.6 million from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and Emerging Technology Program will be spent to expand broadband and cellular service in Northern communities. The plan includes $4.7 million for Keewaytinook Okimakanak K-Net services to construct cellular infrastructure in 10 remote First Nations and $11.9 million for NetCentral Community Communications Network to install cell towers to service remote communities.
“To truly compete globally, we need to be able to have the investment in broadband and cellular upgrades to allow us to do that,” Gravelle said. “What a difference it will make and we will continue to build on that.”
Di Matteo said it is important for communities to be connected to modern telecommunications.
But, he added that telecommunications is only one item on the list of needs. He said improvements in electricity and infrastructure such as roads and railways are also needed.

Another $4.9 million is being used to extend natural gas services to Red Lake, Balmertown and Cochenour, and $997,625 from the Heritage Fund and infrastructure program is being spent to establish an industrial airside/groundside park at the Kapuskasing airport.

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