NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Last day of Energy and Mining Summit

Today is the last day of this Energy and Mining Summit in Niagra Falls.

Glenn Nolan, VP of aboriginal Affair, a member of Noront's management is present in this conference. The agenda link is here:


I notice under Glenn Nolan's name there is only reference to him being Vice President of Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada ...no mention of also being a member of management at Noront.

AFN Opens International Indigenous Summit on Energy and Mining: Hundreds of Delegates from Around the World Gather in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Tue, 2011-06-28
CNW Group Portfolio E-Mail

Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo today opened a major gathering in Niagara Falls, Ontario to examine the current and potential role of Indigenous peoples in the energy and mining sectors, including the burgeoning clean energy sector.

"There will be hundreds of billions of dollars in resource activity in Canada in the coming years and this activity is going take place in the lands and traditional territories of First Nations," said National Chief Atleo. "Our people and our governments are and will be central to this work. This Summit is about bringing together all the key players to start identifying a national strategy on energy and mining development, promote partnerships and really examine the issues and opportunities facing Indigenous peoples, industry and governments in Canada and around the world."

In order to kickstart discussions, the AFN released today a discussion paper entitled Powering Prosperity - Working to Build on the Potential of Energy Projects and Partnerships. The paper sets out key themes, issues and suggested approaches to support First Nations involvement in clean energy. The discussion paper proposes a collaborative initiative among First Nations across the country to build towards a First Nations clean energy strategic approach, the legal issues involved, ways to maximize economic growth and business development and options for next steps.

"Today, we are starting a dialogue about the future of our peoples, our lands, territories and resources, our governments and our economies, "the National Chief said. "Over the next three days we will share successes and best practices and chart new paths for Indigenous economic development. We will also build bridges and partnerships between Indigenous peoples and the industries and governments who need our resources and our co-operation. We want to be partners in prosperity and ensure any development is respectful of our people, our lands and our future generations."

The International Indigenous Summit on Energy and Mining is spearheaded by the AFN with involvement of Indigenous peoples as well as leading industry representatives and government officials. There are many speakers and participants including Mr. Xu Bu, Charges d'Affaires for the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, His Excellency Dr. Georg Witschel, Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Germany, Anthony Hodge, President, International Council on Mining and Metals and Glenn Nolan, Director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.

More than 700 delegates are gathered for the meeting taking place June 26-29 at the Sheraton on the Falls Hotel. The full agenda, discussion paper, speakers list and information on the Summit can be found on the AFN website at www.afn.ca

The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada. AFN and National Chief Atleo are on twitter. Follow @AFN_Updates, @AFN_Comms and @NCAtleo.

For further information:
Don Kelly, Assembly of First Nations A/Communications Director
613-241-6789 ext. 334 or cell: 613-292-2787 or email dkelly@afn.ca

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