A well considered post by Hammer.
Sensible post, Hammer,
northern development is the very last thing that most politicians and citizens of Ontario care about,
ninety percent of the population lives in the south, along the 401 corridor between Sarnia/Windsor and they think they are up north when they drive to Barrie, or Muskoka.
The votes are in this corridor in the south. Heck, you cannot even get a Torontonian to think that London or Niagara or Kingston is important, let alone North Bay, Sudbury and parts unknown above that city .
I kid you not. Northern development isn't in the radar screens of nearly all the voters and politicians that make up this province. Sad to say. True it is however.
It will not matter who gets elected tonight. The folks in Toronto cannot even keep their own infrastructure in a safe condition. No money for that. So where is the money for Northern Ontario ? Do not count on Queens Park Toronto.
Kobe from Niagara.