Another point worth mentioning.
If the board of director's comes out in favor of a takeout, would it matter? If they all pledged their holdings to it, the total couldn't come to more than 1%.
Let's be realistic though. We are talking takeout of a SP that was .50 yesterday. If the buyout was 1.50, the fact is that means a 3 bagger. If it was 3.00, that means a 6 bagger. There was lots of discussion of .60 cents for SPQ ( my bet was .27), and we settled on .19. There were lots of complaints at the time, but I am still spending the gravy from that one and will be for a year or two yet.
Damn, I haven't felt this good since the first runup to .13 with SPQ, or to .30 with FWR.
Best regards