I think one of the most significant suggestions to come from the Federal budget was the suggestion that only one EA would be conducted per project:
"We will streamline the review process for such projects, according to the following principle: one project [does this mean all of the ROF], one review [provincial/federal?], completed in a clearly defined time period [two years]. We will ensure that Canada has the infrastructure we need to move our exports to new markets [China, etc]."
Without having to wade through all the back and forth here, I'm wondering where we're at in this process?
I also think it's important to remember that Cliffs recently said they have an infrastructure cost and timeline in mind, with all the appropriate partners coming to the plate... there is significant action here...At least from the communications departments involved, which is where all the complexity of this whole undertaking is going to get aired out. NOT even in a recent release or interview seemed to back off a bit from the stance that they're working to first and foremost make sure the FN are looked after, reminding people that the government should take the lead role... A lot of balls in play right now.