Joe don't apologize, yes it has to be said and more:
Per item 2 - Even better would have been if it was a canadian company, but for that to have happened, the federal and provincial governments should have provided some or all of the transportation and power infrastructure.
Item 4 - global economy is in a recession. the federal and provincial governments should invest in projects that would negate that recession in Canada, and Ontario in particular, by investing in the Ring. That is a win-win scenario.
It is the lack of affordable electricity that necessitates Cliffs to ship part of chromite ore to China. That means loss of potential jobs and profits.
Last, the natives should not protest too much but state reasonable requirements and suggestions as to how the region should be developed. What benefits the natives get is mostly from jobs and infrastructure and it should not be through direct cash payments. Besides lower food costs due to better access through transportation, there could be local schools, clinics and various services that a community needs and develops due to growth. Those are the benefits on which a price can not be placed and that should be all they get.