For the much needed purposes of providing at least a basic minimum understanding of what is currently in the works for Noront Resources, who can AND are willing to post at least the Basic Minimum Information respecting RCF and it's dealings in regard to Baffinland?
And most important of all: How did the average everyday "Retail type Shareholder" make out in the process of Baffinland 'Going Private'?
With 11 days to the end of the month, more than just the 'security' of Canada's 'most prominent Natural Resources' is clearly at stake!
What does this mean for Noront Resources, the Company, AND for the remaining Noront Resources 'Retail type Shareholders
Old Joe
PS: What does the CEO of Noront Resources see when looking in the mirror???
What are the Noront Resources BoD doing to inform, protect, AND promote the 'Best Interests' of their 'Retail type Shareholders'???