But the issues can not be separated because these plus many others are all intertwined and many are dependent on others.
Example of this service road for hydro line to Pickle Lake:
Ontario hydro builds the road to make construction of hydro line easier, then what?
The communities cry out for an all weather road so the existing 'service' road gets torn
up, or rebuilt, to provide the needs of communities?
Nope, they need to build a paved road from scratch because it would cost less. It costs
much more to build a substandard and then upgrade, imho.
Next, because they have decided to build the hydro line AND presumably already decided on the path it would take, the decision for the path for the paved road has to have been made also.
Because they made the decision to Pickle Lake, they will not or are unlikely to stop
there. Once you start on a path you are commited to it's final destination which in my
opinion is the Ring.
Where this is still very cloudy is because the politicians (you say - politicians are
afraid or gun shy.) I say, lack back bone and leadesship to say what they plan and stop nickle and diming us. All same by different label.
What is needed is someone of J.F.K's stature regarding landing on the moon, to say this is what we plan to do and that it is an investment for the future. To make that future
possible some sacrificing has to be made at the front to get benefits later.
Also per nation building by Trans Canada Railway over a centry ago.
B-Jay, the communities along the E/w route would be on side IF they get the all season
road along with it easy access to jobs in and to the Ring. They have to make the
compromise of letting the hydro line and road to cross their land. I mean their land
besause it is to their benefit for these to run as close to their communities as
conveniently possible to make deliveries and servicing easier and less costly.