You're probably sick of me writing about my Mick Davis/Trevor Reid , X2, 1.1 billion dollar suspicions.
But, take a look at this for a moment.
March 2, 2010, Mick, Trevor Reid and other Xstrata, executives are in Sudbury for Nickel Rim South Ceremonies.......Michael Gravelle is also there.
Protestors from Timmins are also there... because Xstrata Copper's Kidd Creek Metallurgical Site is to shut down on May 1,2010 eliminating 670 jobs.
The work previously done at the metallurgical site will be transferred to the Xstrata mill in Rouyn-Noranda, Que.
Xstrata's top executives are in Sudbury on Thursday to officially open the company's Nickel Rim South project..............
The groups want buses loaded with concerned citizens to greet Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Minister Michael Gravelle and Xstrata executives.
Mick Davis, CEO at Xstrata, chief financial officer Trevor Reid, executive general manager Thref Moraitis and Xstrata Nickel CEO Ian Pearce will be in Sudbury on Thursday for the Nickel Rim South ceremonies"
Sure are a lot of heavy hitting Xstrata folks that came for ...just... this ceremony. I wonder what else they talked to Gravelle about?
So, A couple of weeks after that....Gravelle visits the Ring of Fire.
SIX MONTHS LATER....Paul Semple is in Timmins....
"How many of those jobs end up in Timmins remains a big question.
"Where do the metals gets processed? That the part that's up in the air," said Paul Semple, chief operating officer of Noront Resources."
Have Mick and Trevor been involved since 2010?? Xstrata was one of the mining companies that signed a confidentiality agreement with Noront back in 2007.
What was Semple doing in Timmins shortly after the Timmins closure??
Let's say Mick and Trevor are sure would make folks in Timmins happier if Noront's chromite smelter eventually ...went there along with Members of the CAW, Save Our Resources Coalition, Canadian Auto Workers Local 599. ...And if Mick and Trevor are involved as I suspect...promising a chromite smelter in hard hit Timmins would certainly be a nice jesture.
Remember not long ago Michael Gravelle ...stating lots of positive was coming about ROF but..he could not talk about it..yet.
Makes me wonder.