NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Doubts about developing Ontario's Ring of Fire development....Who ?

Professor, I resemble that remark. "Wynnie the Poo" happens to be my sitting MPP. Although I've never voted for her, she keeps on winning, ever since Dave Johnson (cabinet minister under Mike Harris).

Anyway, clearly the ROF is more important than any political agenda and the liberals will stop at no cost to make Ontario a better place. You know they did spend over $1 billion to save us from that horrible gas powered hyrdro plant. Heaven forbid that after we tore down that monstrocity of a coal fired plant that we would want to build something 10 times cleaner in the same spot. and with the nukes disappearing soon, we'll be able to import our hydro from New york. It's far enough away that we don't have to look at it .... but I still want my latte in the morning.

As for the "greeners" against development, just tell all the SUV driving soccer mom's that chromite is a key ingredient in the pills they pop to keep their tummies from bulging. They'll be lined up with shovels to build that road. It's better than being forced to buy x-tra large at Lululemon.

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