This was unexpected and delightfully a good thing to me
During the feasibility study for the Project, it was determined that the slurry pipeline and winter road
over the final 100 km to the mine site were not technically and economically feasible. In addition,
consultation activities with First Nation communities documented concern on the potential
environmental impacts associated with a pipeline. Therefore, the feasibility study for the Project
recommended an all-season road from the Pickle Lake North Road to the mine site (Micon, 2012).
The use of techniques to construct road over peat was proposed as a technically feasible means of
addressing road building issues over the poor ground within areas of muskeg (Nuna Logistics, 2011).
A trial road to support exploration activities was successfully built at the mine site using these
techniques. General locations for sources of aggregate rock were also identified, which addressed
previous concerns on the technical feasibility of building an all-season road directly to the mine site