It's a great pasttime delving into the conspiracy theories, predictions and the resultant debates on who has the more likely prognosis on our fair NOT. I've enjoyed many a poke at the computer keyboard with some of my own offerings. It is amazing, however, how attached we can get at our ideas of what will happen and at the hands of who. It's also interesting what we can block out that may well be the real future while we defend and hold onto our arguments. I don't think I've seen too many predictions over the years come about as stated by so many individuals, so I've pretty much adopted the position that when it happens, it won't be quite why, how, by whom or when we might have thought it would take place. We'll have had some fun arguing about it all, sometimes heatedly, but as long as we make some money in the end it will have been what we came for. NOT's sp will undoubtedly go up....largely because it has more upside than down, to say nothing of it's resource. It think it's fair to say that the game will play out as they normally do where those with the grease will get looked after and those that time it correctly likewise. So some will win and some will will largely come down to timing. Of course the unthinkable could also take place in which case all bets are off and every person for him/herself.
We wait to see!