"you pleas for funding from the Feds are falling on deaf ears , when you have been repeatedly advised to provide details of those plans"
Why details when you very well know that details take time and details are only necessary when the time comes to actually hand over the money?
That is when accounting begins of $ amounts delivered according to services rendered per delivery.
Did Ontario ask for details before they made a commitment of a billion dollars to the Ring?
Well no. (They are also waiting for the Deloitte report.)
But that is spend thrift Ontario vs frugal Ottawa.
Then why does the federal government need details before making a commitment?
Because they are not convinced that the Ring deserves the funding, to put it bluntly.
Could be, but a better reason may be to wait until nearer to the federal election and then throw the crumbs onto the gullible public.
( Could it also be because northern Ontario is NDP domain and federal Conservatives do not want to fund lefties?.)
Sorry for this rant folks. I am sitting here sipping some cheap wine and contemplating possibilities as to why grown beings can not come to a mutual understanding.
When I find another bottle then, maybe Then, clearvoyance will come to me.
Cheers to waiting, Ed.