There are places in the world where people are being slaughtered every day. People live in crowded camps fleeing countries they want out of. People flee from places on leaky boats and would rather die at sea than stay in the country they are from...look around the world, and then have a look at Canada again. Compare it to the U.S.A. We might not be happy with a lot of things, we may want honest politicians, honest big business, problem solving leaders, and all the issues to be resolved to our liking, but just think, you are free to speak your mind about these things, you can bring changes through peaceful demonstrations (usually) and you can vote....politicians act when the interest of the politic become overwhelming Our Ring of Fire is a very small problem in the overall scheme of things. I am impatient too. I am tired of waiting for what I know will be the end result. But, at present, I am putting my trust in the inevitable outcome, which is more than likely closer than farther. And, if my prayers were answered, I would ask for the day when measly penny trading stops, and this stock gets some jaw-dropping awe and respect. My two pennies.