Haven't had time to read it thoroughyly but scanned it and came across this paragrapgh:
"Noront’s price estimate is $400 million for the road construction, which follows the current winter road URXWHVDQGDOORZVIRUVSXUFRQQHFWLRQVWRIRXURIWKHÁ\ in First Nations communities in that area. Similarly, KWG has also proposed an east-west oriented route but one that takes a more southerly route. It is estimated to cost considerably less, with a price tag of $120 million, and includes the construction of a bridge across the Attawapiskat River."
Recently " He ( Serre)said the Liberal party has $129 million available at the moment"
That number is suspiciously equivalent to 1/3 the cost of the NOT E-W road option ($400 million hypothetically shared by Industry (NOT alone or with others), the Feds, and the provicial government ) , and nearly as close to covering the KWG road option).