Matawa Regional Framework up and running...The Matawa Regional Framework project is working on behalf of the nine member First Nations of Matawa to ensure that the communities and their members have the opportunity to participate and benefit from potential developments in the area.
Regional Framework Reps Visit Musselwhite Mine
November 4 – The Matawa Mineral Technical Committee (MMTC), Community Communications Liaison Officers (CCLOs), Four Rivers staff and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM) staff were invited to participate in a tour of Goldcorp Inc’s Musselwhite Mine located at Opapamiskan Lake in North-western Ontario. They toured the mine site and met with the Environmental
Working Committee (EWC) which consists of the signatory First Nations and Goldcorp. A few topics of discussion were environmental monitoring, catering services which are contracted by the signatory First Nations and job retention
for the signatory First Nations. The signatory First Nation communities are North Caribou Lake, Cat Lake, Kingfisher Lake, Wunnumin Lake along with Shibogama Council and Windigo Council. Musselwhite Mine was one of the first mines in Ontario to enter into a comprehensive Impact and Benefits Agreement (IBA) with the local First Nations communities.