This seems like a large costly in depth project for which proper infrastructure might be needed. Bids being tendered. Perhaps an all season road might be helpful?
In early 2015, the Matawa First Nations Broadband
Feasibility Study indicated that development of a
broadband utility owned and operated by our First
Nations – is achievable. Following analysis of the
broadband environment in the Matawa First Nations
area and the communities’ existing infrastructure,
the study found that Matawa First Nations communi-
ties has a strong opportunity to own and operate a
broadband utility offering broadband Internet, tele-
phone and other services to residents, businesses
and community anchors within the area.
In September 2015, the working group met to initi-
ate the project which will include finalizing a concept
of a preferred route, the validation of construction
costs and completion of the business plan for the First
Nations Telco.
When this phase of the project is
completed (expected March 2016) we are optimistic
that we will be in a better position to table the pro-
posal for federal and provincial capital funding to con
struct the fibre optic network and provide our First
Nations with faster, more reliable internet services.
We will be asking the community members to sign a petition
so that we can make the case to the federal and pro-
vincial government to get funded. We are also asking
the local businesses and organizations that use the
internet to provide letters of support.